"Jesus in Idaho Falls" was originally an idea conceived by Pastor Todd Wood in late 2011, to write a book documenting how Jesus has been at work in the city of Idaho Falls and the surrounding area. As we started doing research, we quickly realized the need to build a network of relationships that promote communication, understanding, and cooperation in the body of Christ in Idaho Falls, and this has been a slow process. Our goal has been to encourage the body of Christ by collecting and sharing stories of how Jesus has been and is at work where we live, bringing into focus a "bigger picture" that not only helps the body of Christ see more of Jesus' glory but also provides insight into how we can more effectively join with Him in His work of redemption, deliverance, and transformation in our city.

Todd Wood
Todd Wood was born in the LDS hospital on the banks of the Snake River in Idaho Falls. At a retreat while in high school, the Lord directed his heart toward Christian ministry. After graduated from Skyline High School in 1988, he went to Bible college in South Carolina. Todd obtained a degree in Christian missions in 1992, and then married his high school sweetheart, Kristie Ann Grothaus. Following an internship at a church in Elko, Nevada, he returned to Idaho Falls to pastor the new church plant of Berean Baptist Church, where he served until 2016. Since then he has worked with the Idaho Falls Rescue Mission, as a case manager and more recently as the chaplain. Todd loves the people of Idaho Falls and the great outdoors. His desire is to see multiple, thriving, small church fellowships in the city in future years for the glory of God.

Charles Barnes
Charles grew up in Montana. After graduating from Montana State University he spent 4 years sharing the gospel with and discipling college students in Eastern Washington and Northern Idaho, then returned to school to earn a Masters Degree in Chemical Engineering from the University of Texas. Intending to use his engineering skills in the Middle East, the Lord sent him to Southern California, where for 8 years he prepared process designs for ethylene and other chemical plants, some of which were built in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait. In 1988 he brought his young family to Idaho Falls, and began a 22-year career with the Idaho National Laboratory. Since he retired, he spends a lot of hours fly fishing the waters of southeast Idaho, southwestern Montana and Yellowstone Park, and works on a never ending list of projects maintaining and improving his family cabins in West Yellowstone, as well as his home in Idaho Falls.

Everyone else in the body of Christ in Idaho Falls
Todd and Charles extend an invitation to anyone in the body of Christ in Idaho Falls to help collect, document, draft, review and assemble stories about ways that Jesus has been and is at work in our city. Please use the "Contact" page to let us know of your interest.