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7. Answers to Prayer

My house will be called a house of prayer…      Is 56:7, Matt 21:13


With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints…        Eph 6:18


If you ask me anything in My name, I will do it.     John 14:14      


Revelation 5:8 suggests that God saves prayers of the saints.  Proverbs 15:8 tells us that God delights in the prayer of the upright.  And many verses in Scripture, like John 14:14 above, promise that God will act in response to the prayers of His church, offered in faith and in Jesus’ name. 


7.1 Cornerstone Assembly of God


This is a story of God answering prayers for healing, but first some background.


Scott Davis, the pastor of Cornerstone Assembly Church in Idaho Falls, has experienced healing by the Lord in his own life.  As an infant, he came down with chickenpox and pneumonia, and some wondered whether he would survive.  His church prayed for him and he was completely healed.


Many years later, as a pastor in Harrison, Arkansas, Scott woke up feeling very weak on an Easter morning.  He managed to get through the activities at church, but after his sermon felt exhausted.  He went home to rest, and had trouble breathing, eating and sleeping.  On Monday he went to see a doctor, and came away thinking he had a flu that would go away in a couple days.  It didn’t.  On Thursday he still felt miserable and was still not sleeping.  Going to the hospital emergency room, they found an abnormally low level of oxygen in his blood, and when they saw the results of an electrocardiogram, the doctors put him on a helicopter to a larger hospital, in Fayetteville.  On the ride to the hospital the Lord spoke to Scott and said, "A mighty miracle will come from this!”  Thinking he still had pneumonia, Scott said, “Lord, how can you be glorified through pneumonia?”  Later, waking up in the hospital, he was told that he had had two massive heart attacks, and doctors were amazed he had pulled through.  These were followed by a minor stroke. Yet Scott will tell you that afterwards, because of the Lord, he felt better than ever.  Besides regaining all physical motion and breathing capabilities, Scott says that the Lord gave and continues to give him strength to handle stress, which was a major cause of his heart attacks.


Scott came to Idaho Falls as Cornerstone’s pastor in 2012.  He attests that the congregation is very attentive to his sermons, and in early 2015 he preached a series along the lines of John Kilpatrick’s Book When the Heavens are Brass: Keys to Genuine Revival.  The congregation then started sensing more of the presence of God in their worship services, and seeing answers to prayer.  Scott posted on the church website:


We have seen some mighty miracles here at Cornerstone in the last few weeks. A two year boy, Gabe, could no longer walk. He was taken to the doctor and specialist and they could not find out what was wrong. The following Sunday his mother brought him up for prayer, he left the church walking and completely healed! Another miracle was one woman, Sydney, had epilepsy. She believed that God could heal her. She came forward for prayer. She then went to the doctor and he ran some tests. The doctor said she no longer had epilepsy!  She had told him the Lord had healed her.  The doctor said “I haven't seen many miracles”, and Sydney replied, “I am one”. 


Sydney’s healing was in February; Gabe’s in April.  When Todd and I caught up with Scott in October (2016), he told us about several more cases of God answering prayers for healing – a woman having frequent headaches, a woman having pain from falling in her bathtub, and a man who had had numbness in his feet for six years.  All these ailments were brought to the Lord in prayer and He answered their prayers – each person was restored to health.   


In September the church had a healing service.  Before the service a woman called Scott asking if she could share a testimony in the meeting.  Scott was surprised as this was unusual for this woman and he didn’t know what she would share. But he knew that she had tried to commit suicide twice, once 13 years ago, and then again 3 years ago.  The second time, Scott went to visit her in the hospital and prayed over her. What she shared in the healing service was how God had answered those prayers, curing her of depression. 




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